Hi, I’m Becky from Studio Mossa and will be posting on here each month with my class themes and some other fun things too…

Book Club Pick


Studio 70 Glasgow

Sunday 6th April at 3:30pm - 4:30pm


This months focus

This month is more prop based as a focus for our movement. The props we will be working with will be half or full foam rollers. These are a great way to release tightness in many areas of the body as the roller can act as a massage tool. If laid on with the entire torso, the roller, can allow a great range of motion for the scapulae which can be another great way to release this area from tightness too.

The other props being used in other studios this month are bolsters and loop resistance bands. The bolsters are being used to assist rest in certain positions and then challenge stability in others.

The loop bands are being used to focus on foot and ankle strength and stability as well as creating healthy habits for the hips too.

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat!


This months inspirations for class planning.

  • Exploring shapes in movement

I have really been inspired by the art by Wassily Kandinsy who wrote an essay called ‘Dance Curves’ and drawings that illustrate ‘the simplicity of the whole form’.

I would like to replicate this in some way in my classes, thinking about the shapes our bodies makes and the way our energy moves and flows.

It will be a way to deeper explore and question our movement patterns and a way to look at our Pilates practice with a new lens. I also plan to leave classes throughout the month with drawings of their movements that day in class as a record and piece of art for them to keep if they wish in my style of drawing.

February's Book Club Pick


February's Book Club Pick 〰️

My Brilliant Friend (Italian: L'amica geniale) is a 2011 novel by Italian author Elena Ferrante. It is the first of four volumes in Ferrante's critically acclaimed Neapolitan Novels series.[1] The novel, translated into English by Ann Goldstein in 2012, explores themes of female friendship, social class, and personal identity against the backdrop of post-war Naples.

Book Club Meeting Details

Sunday 2nd March 3-4pm

at Studio 70

70 Victoria Road


G42 7AA

Happy New Year!!

New Year

Ins & Outs

Ins ~~

  • less social media

  • reading more

  • filling my cup creatively

  • more time spent on relationsips

  • keep travelling

  • learn Italian

Outs ~~

  • caring what people think so much

  • teaching ‘listen to your body’ and not listening to my own

  • having Instagram on my phone

  • comparing myself to others

Welcome to the new face of ‘Studio Mossa’! I have been wanting to change my domain for a little while and felt like the New Year was the perfect time…


Myself, my husband and my dog all took a road trip over Christmas through England & France to Spain. It was a trip that was very meaningful to us and and signified the type of future we want to live (with more travel).

I was speaking to a client about how driving to a destination is a lovely way to actually take in the places we pass en-route. You appreciate the landscapes changing, the people, the weather.

I am so happy to have spent the holidays and new year with some of our family.